Image #1
 "Discovery of the New World" by John Vanderlyn 1847 depicts the landing of Columbus on Watlings Island October 12, 1492 (THe golden color of the flags probably represented artistic reflection from the setting sun)
Image #2
 "Surrender of Lord Cornwallis" by John Trumbull 1817 depicts the surrender of British forces at Yorktown on October 19, 1781 (John Trumbull had the French Flag correct, because the Royal French Navy's ensign between 1638-1790 was a plain white flag; so maybe his version of the American flag, with the square star pattern, was also correct!)
Image #3
 "Surrender of General Burgoyne" by John Trumbull 1822 depicts the surrender of British forces at Saratoga on October 17, 1777
Image #4
 "Battle of Bunker Hill" by John Trumbull depicts the British forces attacking the defenders at Bunker Hill as General Warren lies dying (Notice the gold flag behind the Continental Flag, wonder what flag that was?)
Image #8
 "The Spirit of '76" by A.M. Willard Originally entitled "Yankee Doodle," this scene was painted by A.M. Willard in the late Nineteenth Century Note: Even though the flag is actually a flag used in the War of 1812, not the Revolutionary War, it still has become one of the most famous images relating to the American Revolutionary War. The life-sized original hangs in Abbot Hall in Marblehead, Massachusetts.
Image #9
 "The Battle of Long Island" by Domenick D'Andrea Image Courtesy of National Guard Bureau Heritage Series Note: The artist of this painting has taken quite a few artistic liberties and presented a very romanticize image of the withdrawal, his flag is much too large to carry in battle, and the uniforms and other military details he portrays are very questionable.